
Saturday, October 13, 2012


                                    Hi my name is Mike. I am retired and Live in Horseheads New York with my wife of  thirty years. We have had numerous land lords over the years, mostly cats but we have had dogs and a rabbit. These most important members of the family you will see from time to time.
                                    The reason for this blog is to examine my love of old things. I have always like to poke around in old cellars and attics. I also love to go to rummage sales to look at the old things. I started collecting vintage items and selling some. Today I have a store for selling sewing patterns, mostly vintage and another selling collectibles of all kinds as well as new items.


                                   I will be writing about sewing patterns from the stand point of a man that doesn't sew but enjoys sewing patterns. I started selling them because they are easy to ship and store and I promptly fell in love with them. I will talk about WWII militaria, something I have admired since I was a kid but couldn't collect until I found ebay. The possibilities are endless and I am always changing so  read and enjoy. And please forgive my poor grammar.